Sneaky the Library Cat Interviews Maestro, the Cat from Witchy Bad Blood

Meow, Sir. You bear a striking resemblance to my author’s black cat, Harry. What is your name and your author’s name?

My name is Maestro – no last name. My author is C. A. Phipps.

Mice to meet you both. What book(s) have you appeared in? Please list them and their genre.

Witchy Awakening, Witchy Hot Spells, Witchy Flash Back and Now Witchy Bad Blood! All are paranormal Cozy mysteries.

Oooh. Me like. My series is just a plain cozy, although the latest in the series, Sneaky’s Supernatural Mystery and Other Cobble Cove Stories, involved a story about a clairvoyant.

Please tell me more about your series.

Midlife Potions is the series which is all about my human, Jessica Lavender who becomes a witch at 45. As her familiar I not only have to tell her what’s going to happen must train her. This is not easy as she is stubborn.

Most main characters are stubborn. Alicia the librarian, my human, is no exception.

Are you based on a real cat such as your author’s? If so, please give further details.

I am unique. Better than most familiars and certainly better than any cat my author has had. At least that is my opinion.

I hear you. I was based on Debbie’s Siamese, Oliver, who has since gone to Rainbow Bridge, but I’m my own cat, like you.

What do you like most about your role in your authors’ books?

I am the lead character. Jess might argue the fact, but without me she would never solve the crimes. She would also be a terrible witch if I hadn’t trained her so well.

MOL (Meow Out Loud). I feel the same way about Alicia.

Are you a talking cat in your books or just a silent one like I am who just meows occasionally?

I talk, but only witches can hear me.

In the later books of my series, only the pets (and readers) know what I’m saying. Alicia and the other characters can only guess.

What advice would you give other cat characters?

Be true to yourself. Don’t give affection too easily. Witches and humans need to earn our respect and our love.

Nicely said, Maestro.

Do you have any new books coming out? Please give dates and details.

Witchy Bad Blood came out June 1st and Witchy Coffee Crime is on preorder for May 2025.


Can you share an excerpt for Witchy Bad Blood?

Sure thing, Sneaky!

Book Excerpt:

Maestro must trust her enough to agree to finally let her have the one thing she’d dreamed of since she was a child. Not a bakery to work in—her bakery. “You won’t be sorry, Maestro. I’ll work as hard as you need me to.”

“I’m counting on it,” the cat said dryly. “Now, perhaps you should test our theory and go bake something that you might encourage someone to eat.”

While Jess pondered how his mind had changed so fast, even though he hated the idea, she was ridiculously happy and couldn’t help showing it. “Actually, that could be an issue.”

His eyes narrowed. “In what way?”

“People want to eat my food,” she teased. “I certainly don’t need to push them to do it with a spell.”

He snorted and the crabby cat disappeared for a brief moment so that he looked adorably cute, making her want to hug him. She refrained. Ever since he revealed he was a talking cat and she discovered she was a witch, displays of affection became off-limits. She’d owned him for five years before that incredible day changed her life and her mom had had him before that. Five years of snuggles, kisses, and pats. Then, nothing.

Maestro eyed her for a moment, his expression uncharacteristically confused. Then he coughed and continued along the path. “We should get back. Your sister still needs supervision most of the time.”

Secret sister, she corrected in her head, as a wave of coldness ran over her body. “Maestro…”

Turning quickly at her tone, he raced back to her side. “What is it?”

“Something smells wrong. There’s something in the woods that doesn’t feel right.”

His ears flick left and right. “Something—or someone?”

They peered through the trees, her nose searching for the source of the smell, trying to discern its meaning. It couldn’t be deemed as friendly. Was it a warning? Danger or perhaps death?

She shivered. To know what death smelled like was all kinds of wrong.

Loved it! Concats to you and your author.

Are you and/or your author on social media? If so, please list your links.

You can find my author via our website and pick up the book at the same time:  

Or get your copy via any other platform:

Thank you so much for the interview. I’m sharing you and your author’s blog tour below. Best whiskers to you on your new release and your series.

Witchy Bad Blood: A Paranormal Cozy Mystery
(Midlife Potions) by C. A. Phipps

About Witchy Bad Blood

Witchy Bad Blood: A Paranormal Cozy Mystery (Midlife Potions)
Paranormal Cozy Mystery
4th in Series
Setting – Good Fortune – Oregon
Independently Published (June 1, 2024)
Print length ‏ : ‎ 169 pages
Digital ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0C892X1PL

Family can be deadly!

No one, including Jess, had any idea she was anything exceptional. Until she began solving crimes.

The trouble is, she’d rather be waving a spatula than a wand and her snarky cat familiar isn’t happy about it.

She’s listed her priorities:
1 Bring her mom back from the ghostly realm.
2 Open a bakery.
3 Try to keep her mouth shut about her secret sister—who she has to work with.
4 Don’t ask questions about her father.

Having a plan will make life bearable-as long as there isn’t another murder and she doesn’t mess anything up!

This paranormal cozy mystery will have you questioning everything you thought you knew about magic and murder.

Midlife Potions
Witchy Awakening
Witchy Hot Spells
Witchy Flash Back
Witchy Bad Blood

About C. A. Phipps

C. A. Phipps is a USA Today best-selling author from beautiful New Zealand. Cheryl is an empty nester living in a quiet suburb alongside her wonderful husband, ‘himself’. With an extended family to keep her busy when she’s not writing, there is just enough space for a crazy mixed breed dog who stole her heart! She enjoys family times, baking, and her quest for the perfect latte.

Author Links

You can find me via my website and pick up the book at the same time:







June 3 – Christy’s Cozy Corners – RECIPE POST

June 4 – Maureen’s Musings – SPOTLIGHT

June 5 – Mystery, Thrillers, and Suspense – SPOTLIGHT

June 6 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – SPOTLIGHT


June 8 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

June 9 – Cozy Up With Kathy – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

June 10 – Books, Ramblings, and Tea – SPOTLIGHT

June 11 – Baroness Book Trove – SPOTLIGHT

June 12 – Angel’s Book Nook – SPOTLIGHT

June 13 – Sneaky the Library Cat’s Blog – CHARACTER INTERVIEW

June 14 – Literary Gold – SPOTLIGHT

June 15 – fundinmental – CHARACTER INTERVIEW

June 16 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

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